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Data Architecture


Novon - Data Architecture Summary - 2024

Adopt cloud-based data management and cloud-based data storage.

Add a data fabric architecture for seamless integration. Organisations are looking for flexible data management solutions as data continues to sprawl across disparate destinations—on-premises data centres, multiple clouds, and edge devices.

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What’s Driving a Modern Data Architecture?

In today's digital economy, data is a critical asset that drives business innovation, efficiency, and a competitive advantage. A modern data architecture is at the heart of leveraging this business asset. It is designed to address the complexities and scale of managing data in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. So, what are the key tenants of a modern data architecture that allow for this agility, innovation, and security of your organisations data.

Adopt cloud-based data management and cloud-based data storage.

Adopt cloud-based data management and cloud-based data storage.

Add a data fabric architecture for seamless integration.

Add a data fabric architecture for seamless integration. Organisations are looking for flexible data management solutions as data continues to sprawl across disparate destinations—on-premises data centres, multiple clouds, and edge devices. 

Add a data mesh architecture to simplify and focus your response to the changing data landscape. It will enable your organisation to respond quickly and cost effectively to the data changes that abound in 2024.

Add a data mesh architecture to simplify and focus your response to the changing data landscape. It will enable your organisation to respond quickly and cost effectively to the data changes that abound in 2024.

Adopt automation using generative AI and ML in data management.

Adopt automation using generative AI and ML in data management.

Adopt low-code / no-code for data integration. Find the vendors or data specialists that have completed work similar to your challenge.

Adopt low-code / no-code for data integration. Find the vendors or data specialists that have completed work similar to your challenge. Successful experienced operators are key.

Provide data governance, security, and privacy in an automated fashion. There is no time in 2024 to manually rediscover and develop data changes that other organisations have already found and adopted. These changes must be automated through generative AI and ML capabilities.

Provide data governance, security, and privacy in an automated fashion. There is no time in 2024 to manually rediscover and develop data changes that other organisations have already found and adopted. These changes must be automated through generative AI and ML capabilities.

What’s driving a modern Data Architecture


Data management guiding principles still apply in today’s data landscape, however, today change is very rapid and there is no room for a bottom-up approach to managing your data, rather you should build pervasive AI / generative AI / ML models that do the heavy lifting for you. 

In 2023 and still today we talk about data gravity as a key challenging principle of today’s modern enterprise data platform, but increasingly anti-data gravity is seen as the key issue in 2024 and beyond. 

Data gravity is well documented, essentially this is where the accumulation of data (operations and analytical) attracts more data and services into its business data mix, thereby increasing data complexity and potentially causing serious challenges for an organisation to maximise the value of their data, especially if you have adopted a cloud first approach for your infrastructure. To further complicate this scenario, consider the challenges if you are a global organisation as you manage across different time zones, regulatory and business structures. 

Anti-gravity advocates that the data and expertise should stay local and the two modern data architectures when used correctly can help moderate these challenges are data fabric and data mesh architectures. 

What’s driving a modern Data Architecture?

In today's digital economy, data is a critical asset that drives business innovation, efficiency, and a competitive advantage. A modern data architecture is at the heart of leveraging this business asset. It is designed to address the complexities and scale of managing data in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. So, what are the key tenants of a modern data architecture that allow for this agility, innovation, and security of your organisations data.

  1. Adopt cloud-based data management and cloud-based data storage.

  2. Add a data fabric architecture for seamless integration. Organisations are looking for flexible data management solutions as data continues to sprawl across disparate destinations—on-premises data centres, multiple clouds, and edge devices.

  3. Add a data mesh architecture to simplify and focus your response to the changing data landscape. It will enable your organisation to respond quickly and cost effectively to the data changes that abound in 2024

  4. Adopt automation using generative AI and ML in data management.

  5. Adopt low-code / no-code for data integration. Find the vendors or data specialists that have completed work similar to your challenge. Successful experienced operators are key.

  6. Provide data governance, security, and privacy in an automated fashion. There is no time in 2024 to manually rediscover and develop data changes that other organisations have already found and adopted. These changes must be automated through generative AI and ML capabilities.

Anxious Australian Man Novon Branding BW

Anxious Australian Man Novon Branding BW

Data management guiding principles still apply in today’s data landscape, however, today change is very rapid and there is no room for a bottom-up approach to managing your data, rather you should build pervasive AI / generative AI / ML models that do the heavy lifting for you. 

In 2023 and still today we talk about data gravity as a key challenging principle of today’s modern enterprise data platform, but increasingly anti-data gravity is seen as the key issue in 2024 and beyond. 

Data gravity is well documented, essentially this is where the accumulation of data (operations and analytical) attracts more data and services into its business data mix, thereby increasing data complexity and potentially causing serious challenges for an organisation to maximise the value of their data, especially if you have adopted a cloud first approach for your infrastructure. To further complicate this scenario, consider the challenges if you are a global organisation as you manage across different time zones, regulatory and business structures. 

Anti-gravity advocates that the data and expertise should stay local and the two modern data architectures when used correctly can help moderate these challenges are data fabric and data mesh architectures. 

Modern Data Architecture Key Features

Modern Data Architecture embraces data at rest and data in motion, covering both operational data and analytical data. A data architecture is concerned with the storage, management, merging and display of data in a meaningful business manner that enables an organisation to achieve or exceed their business goals. The proposed data architecture must offer a fast track, flexible, secure and cloud ready (or on premise) solution. In addition, it must be simple, elegant, automated where possible, and simple to maintain. 

Modern Data Architecture key features


Today, data in motion is quite mature. In Australia, from the early 2000’s there was a significant investment made by organisations to modernise their interconnectivity between key operational applications that drive business functionally. Moving forward 20 years this integration type is pervasive and stable, and while there are some minor improvements that have been made during the digital transformation era such as API’s and event driven architecture, by and large compared to the investment required in the analysis of data, the need to improve data in motion is relatively small.

For data at rest however, which is both the management and access to the analytical data, as well as the connection of all the disparate data silos, be they located in the cloud or other countries for global organisation remains difficult at scale, for today’s modern enterprise. This is where the data mesh and data fabric architectures can be focused to successfully resolve these challenges.

While the technology advances of the past decade have addressed the volume of data and data processing compute requirements, they are still behind in addressing scale for other data driven dimensions. Changes in the data landscape, proliferation of data sources, diversity of data use cases, and the speed of response to change, to name a few. So what data architectures are available and how do they help tame the wilds of big data in 2024 and beyond.

Modern Data Architecture key features

Modern Data Architecture key features

These approaches to data architecture reflect the diversity of organisational needs and the dynamic nature of technology. By selecting the appropriate architecture, businesses can effectively leverage their data assets to drive decision-making, innovation, and a competitive advantage.


Data Architecture Key Benefits

Data Architecture is a critical component of the broader IT architecture, today some might say it’s the leading component. Data Architecture plays a vital role in ensuring that data across the organisation is handled in a consistent, efficient, and secure manner. In 2024 data cannot successfully be utilised to its maximum without some component of generative AI and or ML capability added, there just isn’t enough time in today’s fast paced world to make decisions postmortem, decisions need to be predicted and automated. A summary of the key benefits of a well-designed data architecture include:

In summary, a well-conceived data architecture is fundamental to leveraging data as a strategic asset. It enables organisations to manage their data efficiently, make informed decisions, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s data-driven world.

Data Architecture Customer Success Story

Kiwibank engaged Novon to assess any risks in their proposed data and integration architecture. This included the preservation of their back-office finance and risk capabilities for integration, internal and regulatory reporting, whilst also allowing for additional business banking capabilities provided in real-time to their customers.

Novon conducted an architectural review of Kiwibank’ s current core applications. It reviewed Kiwibank’ s proposed data and integration architecture including the new real-time applications, [Thought Machine Vault (TM), Dynamic 365 and nCino]. Novon provided a detailed review of the data and integration landscape including improvements to the proposed solution, highlighting potential risks and issues, with recommended remediation actions and options.

Finally, Novon provided a data driven solution architecture and high-level design with the primary focus on the Risk, Regulatory & Finance applications including their pipelines for streamlining batch and real-time processes between business applications.

Data Architecture Customer Success Story

Data Architecture in Summary

Data architecture like all architecture, is the blueprint of the data ecosystem that aligns to the short and long-term goals of the organisation. It must originate from the people's needs and the data consumers in order to define the tools and processes to manage the data.

Data architecture is a complete physical / logical view of the technology infrastructure supporting data management on premise and in the cloud, including database servers, data replication tools and middleware. This forms the design and construction of an integrated data resource that is business driven, that provides readily available, high-quality data to support the current and future business information demands.

How Can Novon Help?

We have data architects who are experienced in providing solutions for data integration, data warehouses and data migration, plus data advisory which is a full review of existing architectures matched against the organisation’s business goals.
Some of the key items only that we would consider when determining the best Data Architecture for your organisation are.

  1. What are your business objectives and requirements?
  2. How much data, what type of data and how quickly do you collect / analyse data?
  3. What compliance, regulatory and security requirements need to be met?
  4. How will your architecture integrate with existing IT infrastructure and legacy systems?
  1. How much investment in establishing, and ongoing operations, is required? Can it be afforded?
  2. What technical resources are available in the market to build and support the proposed architecture?
  3. How flexible or future-proof is the architecture to meet your ongoing business needs?
  4. How performant and reliable is the architecture to meet the minimum business needs?

Selecting the right data architecture involves a comprehensive evaluation of these considerations and many more in the context of the organisation's current and future needs. It’s a strategic decision that requires input from across the business, including IT, data management, and business units, to ensure the chosen architecture drives value and supports the organisation’s goals.

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